That self-satisfied feeling when you`ve made the best of the day: brisk walk, shower, delicious homemade (before the walk) carrot and lentil soup and just about to settle down to watch the rugby.
Smug-ometer up to 11.
A beautiful day for walking, sunshine, blue sky and a keen swirly wind setting the metal gates singing, the wooden gates creaking and the trees swooshing and swishing. Warmed up by the time we got up to the woods so sweater and scarf discarded in the entry.
Haven`t had anything half-inched so far: frankly if folk are desperate enough to take my old sweater they`re welcome to it though I`d miss the scarf......
Though it was only just after midday the shadows were long......
.....the light diffused, perfectly setting off the autumn colours.
As I write, the sun is nearly below the horizon spreading yet more glorious colours across the sky - golden at the moment - it was all scarlet last night - and soon it will be dark enough to justify a wee dram and maybe some crisps - it is Saturday after all. I can wait `til half time I suppose. Autumn. What`s not to like?