Sunday, 20 October 2019

Sunday 20.10.2019

Walking the same ground day after day can make you quite philosophical: it may be the same ground but it never actually is. Morning and evening, dry and wet, clear and misty, summer or autumn. And didn`t Brian Cox say that you`re never in the same place twice anyway, as the earth is moving all the time, if infinitesimally, on its cosmic journey. Phew!

Meanwhile, in the woods this afternoon, as it began to grow gloomy (and this time next week will be even darker at the same time) autumn still hasn`t taken over completely.
Beautiful carpets of leaves in some places but still plenty of green.

We`re still at the handover: bales still to be collected, neeps in one field, an empty field opposite, the potatoes already lifted........

and over it all, behind the frequent squalls of rain, a rain.......blob?

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Wednesday 9.10.2019

Another good drying day. Noticeably more fungi in the woods this year:all different shapes and sizes, these tiny little white ones carpeting the ground under the pine trees

though obviously the faeries had something to do with these.

Trees just on the turn and later, as the sun set, more of that unique autumn light.

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Tuesday 8.10.2019

At last a lovely autumn afternoon after monsoons and gales. A slow meander round the bounds, gentle light,

the familiar landmarks

and happy dogs, surveying their territory as well as wreaking havoc on the small mammal population.