Thursday, 9 August 2018

Thursday 9.8.2018

Real autumn feel to the day: on the way up the road this evening a cold wind and light shower, boots soon soaked from the wet grass in the woods but as we emerged an hour later the wind had dropped, and, despite the curtains of rain draped along the northerly horizon,the sky overhead was blue, the clouds white and fluffy and the sun still warm.

A smudge of rainbow in the distance slowly expanded to arc across the sky as we walked back down the road,a crow-y parade of honour adding the final flourish.

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Tuesday 7.8.2018

So the corn might not be as high as the elephant`s eye but it`s very pretty just now

and the potatoes are as high as...well...a dog`s back.

Several glorious sunny days in a row with a hint of autumn, none of the muggy, breath-stealing, fly-plagued atmosphere that have made even the dogs reluctant to go out. Clear air, mountains in the distance,

birdsong and butterflies - could walk for ever.