Woke up to a beautiful blue sky and sun, a real spring morning, so naturally waited until about 20 to 6 this evening by which time the clouds had moved in and a brisk March wind was blowing.........
However, it made for more interesting skies,

kept us moving along at a good lick and blew away the proverbial cobwebs.
Walks in the last fortnight have been on Bennachie, while dog/house-sitting, on sharp sunny mornings,

misty moisty days ,
making it to the top on clearer days

past some unidentifiable beasties......
and looking back at where we`d been,
always surprisingly pleasing and walks at lunchtime from work provided much the same satisfaction.
Clocks on tomorrow night so today augured well for the start of evening walks, even if in the gloaming we were clearly being spied on by UFOs........