Sunday, 27 April 2014

Sunday 27.04.2014

A grey afternoon with spits and spots of rain resulting in damp shoulders and soaking boots (the grass is growing at last)after a quick yomp round the woods. However, it was a positive relief to be able to see more than a few yards ahead after a week of being enveloped in haar and low cloud, while confined to wandering round a small garden as I dog-sat an elderly mutt in a house by a busy main road.

Phew. So,back in the woods today, the birds trilled away in the rain, dogs 1 & 2 made up for a lost 7 days by chasing maniacally after every deer and hare that dared to appear, the golden gorse gave off the faintest scent of coconut and the slate sky made the perfect back drop for the fresh green needles now appearing on the larch. All was once more right in the world....for that short time anyway.

Friday, 18 April 2014

Friday 18.04.2014

As far as I can remember best day of the year so far - a Glorious Good Friday - everything a proper Spring day should be.

Birds everywhere, pine-scented woods, crystal clear sky:a skip in the step and general bonhomie all round.

Oh and warm enough for a bit of a paddle......

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Tuesday 15.04.2014

Six o`clock this morning: still and clear; frost on the grass; dawn chorus in full throat.

Two o`clock this afternoon: warm sun and gentle breeze; frost-free grass, birds still singing but with maybe less intensity and a large solitary bee out on a first forage.

And right now? A bright not quite full moon,a few gauzy clouds, still that gentle breeze but the birds are quiet.

Variety the spice of life eh?

And if you`ve nothing better to do try this:

and maybe this while we`re on an education theme:

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Sunday 13.04.2014

Spur of the moment gallop up Bennachie this afternoon in knockabout weather - windy enough to make you watch your step up top, sudden showers that go almost as soon as they`ve arrived,throwing up rainbows as they pass by, leaving a clean bright blue sky full of dazzling white clouds.

May have walked off the roast potatoes but filled up on crumpets and honey on return so it`s probably all balanced out........

Friday, 11 April 2014

Friday 11.04.2014

First post of April, plenty walks but less time for blogging. However today a good one - bright and breezy - plenty bird song, sunshine, blue sky etc etc.

Stop Press: There Will Be Chickens (click on BookBus link) could get a new post any this space. :)