Sunday, 31 March 2013

Sunday 31.03.2013

Late night (of which more momentarily) + clocks forward = later than intended rising.

Later than intended rising + reduced time before work to complete designated tasks = oh,blow it, what a stunning morning,lets go for a walk instead.

Plenty snow still about

but a warm sun and blue sky meant shirt-sleeve order and a skip in the step, larks on the wing and a springlike sort of optimism in the air.

And last night? The last of our fund-raising events for the Book Bus, of which more in the fairly near future @

And btw, while were looking at other blogs, take a gander at the latest post from Deadhorse to Ushuaia (over on the right there): it really is very good....and very funny.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Saturday 23.03.2013

Been walking but this has been walking as in up and down the hill just to reach the car and get to work:

Not a bad commute really - at least there`s not much in the way of traffic.

So this is Winter with its sleeves rolled up: none of that pretty pretty nonsense, grey and bleak and a wind that isn`t so much biting as snarling and snapping and driving clouds of snow like thick white smoke across the roads, making driving an interesting and unpredictable experience.

Later this afternoon just a walk, without backpack and with dogs, who as usual thought it necessary to scamper up and down

as if it was the biggest treat in the world to be out and about in below zero temperatures, under leaden skies with the wind whipping the snow into drifts.....

which I suppose it was if you look at it like that.........

Friday, 15 March 2013

Friday 15.03.2013

Another evening walk but no blizzard: sunset


and the woods full of evening bird song and noisy rooks heading for their roost.

Clears the head, revives the spirit and compensates for any wasted hours spent today in needless trips (jabs not until next week now - grrr) and brain-numbing paperwork.........hey ho - in exactly six weeks, all the gods willing and planets in the right conjunction, we should be well on our way - what larks Pip.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Tuesday 12.03.2013

First"official" walk-after-work, welcome after too many hours spent in buildings and cars but maybe a tad too invigorating at first, as we stepped out around 6 straight into a fairly impressive blizzard.

However it had blown over by the time we got to the top of the road,leaving a layer of snow that crunched satisfactorily under our feet without slowing us down.

Strode around the woods as the sky continued to darken and the dogs startled various small beasties that had obviously thought it was safe to emerge for the night.

All the "stuff" birling about in the brain firmly back in perspective by the time we returned but one item in particular now at top of list: realised that an upcoming Big Adventure is only just over 6 weeks away.

So now might be a good time to refer you to

Field Guide and tickets arrived yesterday. First jabs this coming Friday. Getting ever so slightly excited.

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Saturday 02.03.2013

Finally made it up Bennachie for the first time this year! Relieved to discover
a) It was still there

b) Legs could still make it up there

c) It was still worth the effort

even if it played havoc with the ears.

Friday, 1 March 2013

Friday 01.03.2013

March and a perfect early Spring day. Out at lunchtime, warm and dry, calm and remarkably peaceful - and the weather was pretty good too.

Sleeves rolled up, taking in all that Vitamin D.
Might nearly be time to peel off the brown paper and goose fat bodice.