Thursday, 26 April 2012

Thursday 26.04.2012

Sharp and heavy outbursts of rain and sleet swept in on brain-freezing northerly winds interspersed with brief appearance of blue sky and warm sun before the next deluge arrives. It`s Weather as Adolescent. Any time now it will be slamming doors and complaining no-one understands it. In any event, days of this combined with The Annual Cold have curtailed walks but tonight it was get out or go mad so we went...and of course once you`re marching along, suitably attired (for January)it is 1. Invigorating 2. The only way to keep warm other than hibernating until it`s all over.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Thursday 19.04.2012

Too much work and too much rain for much walking but day brightened by this

drawn to my attention by Eponymous Music.

Art? Of course it`s Art.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Tuesday 17.04.2012

So they`re all back, the peewits, the oyster catchers and tonight the curlews, gliding across the field,the familiar piping unmistakeable.

The day started with sleet and hail on the top of the hill and rain further down, all swept in on a cold wind but by half six tonight it was clearer, still plenty of dramatic clouds but the sun warm enough to be drying things out a little.

Not for long we`re told: the changeable weather continues.

Nearly finished Mark Kermode`s The Good, The Bad and The Multiplexes. In solidarity with its conclusions intend to go to Aberdeen`s Belmont and watch a French film tomorrow. Any excuse.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Thursday 12.04.2012

Warm sun, then sharp cold heavy showers, more warm sun, more rain. Could be April. No, wait, it is April. Weather which feels right for the time of year? What`s going on?

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Tuesday 10.04.2012

Last few walks been done in cool, damp grey conditions and yet everything is spring-busy.
The same this evening:birds busy singing out their territory; clusters of insects hanging in mid-air busy...being insects;lambs busy gambolling while their mothers are busy rounding them up as Dog and Dog 2 come into view; clouds busy changing from white to grey to black and then deluging: even the grass was busy...being green.

Trees getting in on the act too:

the first warm day we have now and everything will explode.

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Friday 06.04.2012 Later

Rain dwindled to misty drizzle so we went anyway about half five,the damp atmosphere intensifying the glow of the lichen and mosses:zillions of raindrops decorating the pine trees and grasses like diamonds. No hosepipe ban for us just yet.

Friday, 6 April 2012

Friday 06.04.2012

Raining so steadily just now that even the dogs don`t really want to go out though of course they would if I wanted to, being dogs.

Last week it was walking in the gentle Cotswolds: Gloucestershire....

and Oxfordshire......

but in the cool of the evenings and mornings because it was so hot!

Good times in Edinburgh on the way back and suddenly it`s Easter. Happy Hot Cross Buns......

Oh, and should just say, for anyone who`s interested,Frank Turner and Katzenjammer at Beautiful Days this year. Doesn`t get much better.............