Saturday, 25 December 2010

Saturday 25.12.2010

Couldn`t look more Christmassy out there: snow shower this morning, then bright and crisp and even wherever you look. Merry Crimble and pass the Ginger Wine.

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Tuesday 21.12.2010

The shortest day and what a day: a "heartbreaking work of staggering genius" I kept thinking, though I`ve never read the book of that name.
It began spectacularly with a full lunar eclipse and as the moon slipped below the horizon in the West the sun rose into a clear blue sky, making the icing sugar snow sparkle. It stayed freezing cold and almost eerily still all day - a whole lexicon of superlatives couldn`t have done it justice and, at least on this occasion,it felt as if photos would have been a bit superfluous.
And then the morning ceremony was reversed as the sun sank slowly down - in the south at this time of the year - and the full moon rose magnificently over the hill to the north,shooting a path of light across the snow, making it sparkle all over again.
The gods can certainly put on a good show when they try. Happy solstice.

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Sunday 19.12.2010

Snow continues to float down in a Christmassy way, oblivious to the chaos and disruption it`s causing across the country: thousands of disgruntled people trying to `get away` and insistent that "more should be done."
All that stress and irritation seemed a world away as dog and I strolled (the only type of perambulation possible in wellies and a Michelin-man snow suit on a slippy road, wobbled might be even more accurate)) to the top of the hill: a vista of white, ice-blues and pale greys, the bleating of sheep ringing across an otherwise still and silent landscape.
Later I watched the snow flakes drift innocently across a nearly full moon: wouldn`t have surprised me to see a sleigh and reindeer flying over.
Luckily I don`t need to `get away`.

Friday, 17 December 2010

Friday 17.12.2010

Is there a more satisfying - and warming - task than stacking up firewood? No "Walk" as such but have must have clocked up a few miles today, sawing, carting, splitting and stacking firewood.
Much snow, truly freezing temperatures and nation grinding to a halt for the second time in as many weeks. And I still haven`t got those skis.

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Thursday 9.12.2010

Pole-axed by The Lurgy. Sounds like a punk band.

Chambers has it thus:
"lurgy or lurgi noun (lurgies) 1 originally a highly infectious non-specific disease • caught the dreaded lurgy. 2 now a any illness that is not very serious............
ETYMOLOGY: 1950s: although it is generally believed that this was first coined in the radio show, The Goons, there is slight etymological evidence that dialectal variations of it already existed, eg fever-lurgy a euphemism for 'laziness'"

Prefer the Goon`s theory but have indeed been `lazy` - a day off work spent sitting watching the Great Thaw. Have decided the viciously cold weather we`ve been having really isn`t very British. This dripping, slushy stuff is more like it.

Monday, 6 December 2010

Monday 06.12.10

First post of the new month and I`ve been busy...walking. A week `on the road` between other people`s flats and the deep,deep disruptive snow has necessitated a lot of walking,mostly but not exclusively of the urban variety but none the worse for that.
After last week`s tramp round Aberdeen, spent Friday and Saturday walking the slushy, snowy streets of Edinburgh, up to the Castle (but not right in - too expensive!), along Princes Street (several times) and generally taking in the Christmas atmosphere.
Avalanche warnings for Arthur`s Seat so we left that for another day.
On the first evening walked along the waterfront at Granton - the combination of snow and water in the waning light quite magical.

Oh - and Frank didn`t make it....snowed out but he`s promised to re-schedule....for February?...has he seen what it was like here last February?