Monday 25 October 2021

Monday 25.10.2021 (2)

6.30 p.m. Just did the same walk. This time the sky to the west was golden, the sun already dipped below the horizon, the sky to the east the deepening blue of oncoming night. The wind had got up during the day but now had dropped again, the air was cool and while there was no moon there was a bright planet hanging overhead.  A day comes full circle. And it`s us that`s moving, not the sun, the stares, the planets or the moon - always worth remembering.

Light`s nearly all gone as I write this - and this time next week it will be 5.30 p.m. and so the year goes full circle too.

Bonfire night soon - yay - any excuse, though no fireworks of course.  😒🔥 (Our dog and next door`s horses.......)

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