Friday 21 September 2012

Thursday 20.09.2012

Not many more of these post-work evening walks. The icy wind had dropped and the still, cool atmosphere was pure autumn, grey clouds piled up on one horizon, the sun sinking towards the other

The beasts in the field stood as if waiting for something:

you could almost imagine they were contemplating the fact that their time out in the fields is drawing to an end - you could imagine that but....well, they`re cows so they`re probably not.

The light in the woods was magic

and I thought the sky might catch fire as the sun finally disappeared but in fact it was a case of fade gently to grey.
And as a crescent moon made an entrance from behind a cloud we arrived back just in time to put the poultry away, fetch in the washing and then settle down to watch an episode of Treme** and enjoy the chicken casserole that had been simmering in the slow cooker all day.

Now thats what I call a plan coming together.


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